Milan Matull


I work in web technology since the early 2000s, ranging from visual design to software architecture. I am managing partner at Factorial.


Revision 624: TailwindCSS: Neuigkeiten in v3 und Erfahrungsberichte
I'm talking with @derSchepp, @vannsl about Tailwind CSS again.
Working Draft Podcast

Revision 561: unFIX
I'm talking with @derSchepp, @vannsl and @drublic about the versatile model for organization design.
Working Draft Podcast

Revision 516: TailwindCSS 3.0
I'm talking with @derSchepp and @vannsl about the 3.0 release of the utility-first CSS framework.
Working Draft Podcast

Revision 464: TailwindCSS 2.0
I'm talking with @ddprrt, @derSchepp and @vannsl about the 2.0 release of the utility-first CSS framework.
Working Draft Podcast

Overcoming Technology Bias
or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tailwind
Vue.js Meetup Hamburg @ Factorial

Prerendering Vue.js Applications
Using Drupal, GraphQL and Nuxt.js
Vue.js Barcamp @ Berlin, Vue.js Meetup Hamburg @ YooTheme

Hello Vue Components
Using Drupal, GraphQL and Nuxt.js
Vue.js Meetup Hamburg @ gruner + jahr, Vue.js Barcamp Berlin


Managing Partner
dpa, gruner + jahr, dz4, Klambt, Stellenwerk, Make Studio, Bräutigam & Rotermund
Factorial, Partner, 2015 - present

Senior Frontend Developer
Hi-ReS!, Swipe, Mutabor, Emjot, Der Spiegel, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Fundus Theater
Freelancer, 2011 - 2015

Frontend Developer / UI Designer
4Rk Unstable Media, Epitaph, Finetunes, Grand Hotel van Cleef, Kampnagel, Maxina, Precious, Schauspielhaus, Virgin Records, Warner Music
Two Antennas, Partner, 2006 - 2011

Trainee Web Designer
Tocotronic, The Gossip, Metric, Trashmonkeys, Spillsbury, Ascii, Disko, Phantom & Ghost
L'Age D'Or, 2005 - 2006

Part-time Web Designer
BUND Hamburg,, Wolff & Neitzke, BBS 5 Hannover
Freelancer, 2001 - 2005


Milan Matull
c/o Factorial GmbH
Kirchentwiete 37-39
22765 Hamburg